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Is getting spray foam insulation a good idea?

Yes, it is. No matter the type of spray foam, your home will reap all kinds of benefits. Open-cell spray foam insulation, for example, has better noise-cancelling properties than any other insulation type. Meanwhile, closed-cell foam makes your walls sturdier, ensuring that your house is safe during harsh weather conditions and boosting the overall value of the property.

Do you need to cover spray foam insulation?

When you apply a spray foam insulation, you will also need a thermal barrier to separate it from the occupied spaces. What’s more, if there’s a fire in the building, this thermal bubble shield will keep the combustible spray foam away from any open flames and increase its overall fire resistance.

Where should you not use expanding foam?

Many spray foam insulation companies don’t recommend using spray foam in areas that are too close to electrical boxes and ceiling lightboxes. Also, spray foam shouldn’t be used to insulate areas around recessed ceiling canister lights.

Can mould grow on spray foam insulation?

Apart from providing insulation, SFI controls the indoor humidity and condensation, therefore preventing mould from growing and spreading. If your building is suffering from these kinds of problems, it would be wise to consider spray foam insulation services as soon as possible.

Will mice eat spray foam insulation?

Mice are known to chew through almost anything, from electrical wires and fibreglass insulation batts to even rigid foam insulation. Generally, however, mice have no interest in chewing through spray foam insulation, as it’s in no way similar to any of their food sources.

How long does spray foam insulation last?

According to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (IACHI), spray foam insulation can last for more than 80 years. Although we guarantee it for 25 years.

Which is better, open or closed-cell foam insulation?

Closed-cell thermal foam insulation has a higher U-value than its open-cell foam counterpart. This higher rating makes closed-cell foam better at keeping heat in or out of your building. This doesn’t make closed-cell foam better per se, though. Each type has its own unique advantages, so carefully consider what you want for your building before deciding what to get.

We are the experts in spray foam insulation, and will be more than happy to take care of your all insulations needs.




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Is getting spray foam insulation a good idea?

Yes, it is. No matter the type of spray foam, your home will reap all kinds of benefits. Open-cell spray foam insulation, for example, has better noise-cancelling properties than any other insulation type. Meanwhile, closed-cell foam makes your walls sturdier, ensuring that your house is safe during harsh weather conditions and boosting the overall value of the property.

Do you need to cover spray foam insulation?

When you apply a spray foam insulation, you will also need a thermal barrier to separate it from the occupied spaces. What’s more, if there’s a fire in the building, this thermal bubble shield will keep the combustible spray foam away from any open flames and increase its overall fire resistance.

Where should you not use expanding foam?

Many spray foam insulation companies don’t recommend using spray foam in areas that are too close to electrical boxes and ceiling lightboxes. Also, spray foam shouldn’t be used to insulate areas around recessed ceiling canister lights.

Can mould grow on spray foam insulation?

Apart from providing insulation, SFI controls the indoor humidity and condensation, therefore preventing mould from growing and spreading. If your building is suffering from these kinds of problems, it would be wise to consider spray foam insulation services as soon as possible.

Will mice eat spray foam insulation?

Mice are known to chew through almost anything, from electrical wires and fibreglass insulation batts to even rigid foam insulation. Generally, however, mice have no interest in chewing through spray foam insulation, as it’s in no way similar to any of their food sources.

How long does spray foam insulation last?

According to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (IACHI), spray foam insulation can last for more than 80 years. Although we guarantee it for 25 years.

Which is better, open or closed-cell foam insulation?

Closed-cell thermal foam insulation has a higher U-value than its open-cell foam counterpart. This higher rating makes closed-cell foam better at keeping heat in or out of your building. This doesn’t make closed-cell foam better per se, though. Each type has its own unique advantages, so carefully consider what you want for your building before deciding what to get.

We are the experts in spray foam insulation, and will be more than happy to take care of your all insulations needs.

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